Maximising the Midsize Church: Effective Leadership for Fruitful Mission and Ministry


David J. Peter

Nearly one in four congregations in the United States is a midsize church (150-400 worshippers per week), and the midsize church has its own distinctive culture, dynamics, and characteristics. Drawing on years of research and pastoral ministry, David J. Peter has written a comprehensive handbook for pastors and staff who direct these churches.

Peter covers the most important issues leaders encounter, including:

- The important role they play in advancing the kingdom of God
- Common cultural characteristics
- Typical problems and productive solutions
- Advantages over both small and large churches, and how to capitalize on them
- Practices for developing healthy programs
- The responsibilities of the pastor
- Guidance for hiring staff and recruiting volunteers

Pastors of midsize congregations will find effective resources and encouragement for successful leadership.

176 pages


Kregel Ministry

Christian Superstore New Zeala...
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