KJV Ultrathin Reference Bible brown genuine cowhide INDEXED


This edition of the KJV UltraThin Reference Bible is based on an updated typesetting (2012) of the KJV text and offers the best of both worlds; it’s easy to carry and easy to read. Just over a half-inch thin, this time-honored Bible slips into a purse, briefcase, or backpack. Yet, its crisp printing, ninepoint type size, and unique opaque paper make it easy on the eyes—whether reading in church or during personal study. With exceptional quality and affordable gift giving prices, its features include:
• Four-color two-piece gift box• Four-color presentation pages• Preface to the King James Version• Center-column cross references• Textual footnotes• Words of Christ in Red• 64-page Bible concordance• Parables / Miracles of Our Lord• Harmony of the Gospels outline• Messianic Prophecies of OT• Predictions Made by Jesus• Prophecies of Jesus’ Return• Key to Bible Map• Four-color Bible Maps (8)

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B & H Publishing

Christian Superstore New Zeala...
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