Wax On, Wax Off - Kit (Waxes, Glazes, Sealants)
Note: Due to covid availability, the applicators in this kit are currently the show starter neon yellow, not the workhorse green. Thanks for your understanding.
Not Just for waxes. This is what you need to apply a Wax, Glaze or Sealant by hand, wait then buff off by hand.
The workhorse and show starter applicators are great to apply with, use a fresh one for each product, this kit comes with 2, so that's enough for say a glaze like blacklight and a wax like butter wet wax. Or for jetseal and Butter wet wax. If you want to apply 3 layers, like a glaze, jetseal and butter wet wax then get 2 kits. The applicators are foam wrapped in microfiber cloth. This makes them easy to use to apply and also easy to clean and look after. Learn how to clean and look after microfiber cloths here
The Workhorse Micriofiber cloths are our go to for removing glazes, waxes and sealants by hand. They have tiny hook-like ends to help grab and remove the product easier and faster, and are a high quality 70:30 blend. Use them flat folded into 4, this way they are about the size of your hand, so you get maximum surface area, pressure and control, as you buff the product off it will start to clog your cloth, as this happens flip so you get a fresh clean surface and continue efficiently removing product (not just spreading it around and wasting time). This Don't bunch them up, you get way less surface area and can't easily flip to a clean surface, it will take way longer if you bunch and the results will not be as good.
You get 3 packs of microfiber cloths in this kit., you can also buy more here or just get an extra kit, the more cloths you have the easier the job. Carrying on with a half dirty cloth is not efficient. Work smarter not harder, time is your biggest cost.
These are colour coded green for the exterior. Colour coding is a very good idea as it stops those "oh crap what do I don now" moments like accidentally wiping your leather seat with what you thought was a clean cloth but is actually had residue wax or tyre shine on it,.
If you look after your microfiber cloths and applicators they will last a long time and will work well, please read our how to on this here here
This is not our sexiest kit, but it's one of our most recommended. We pretty much made the kit so we could send people one link not two as we recommend it so much. Wax on wax off baby.