Honda Versa Tool Pole Pruner Attachment

Honda Versatool Pole Pruner Attachment Designed for trimming, pruning and cutting high branches, the VersaTool Pruner attachment is suitable for both domestic and commercial settings. The most long-awaited attachment in the VersaTool range, the Pruner makes cutting branches and heavy foliage look like child’s play. An Auto-Stop safety function enables automatic stop should the Pruner run out of oil, meaning that no matter how long you run it for, it won’t let you down. The VersaTool Pruner is the perfect attachment to be used with the Extension Pole, to reach those really high branches. Work from the safety of the ground without needing to climb ladders. A large 12″ cutting bar will easily cut through most branches needing to be pruned. Suits both the Honda UMC425 and UMC435 Versatool power units
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