Ethiopia Leyo Teraga FTO


O.C.F.C.U. is a tribally based organisation covering all the areas where the Oromo people live, including many of the best known coffee growing districts in Ethiopia. The cooperative has a strong focus on building health facilities and schools and improving access to clean water.

Leyo Teraga sits on the edge of the Guji zone in Oromo State. In this part of Ethiopia, the main rains finish a few weeks before the coffee is ripe and so when the first fruit ripens it is still full and juicy, making it easy to pulp and wash. This is the coffee which is processed as grade 2 Guji.

Like all washed coffee from this region, it is pulped at central washing stations and fermented in large concrete tanks before being washed and finally dried on tables. This allows unripe and damaged ‘floaters’ to be skimmed off in the tanks, producing a clean and even coffee.

Layo Teraga and OCFCU produce traceable, Fair Trade, Organic, UTZ, and Rain Forest Alliance certified coffees.

The objectives of OCFCU are:

-To empower Ethiopian coffee farmers to negotiate higher prices in their local market.

-To improve farmers' incomes by exporting their coffee directly, at higher prices.

-To provide member farmers and clients with reliable service.

-To improve the social condition of farmer, by assisting them to access social services such as better schooling opportunities, better health services and clean water supply.

-To improve the quality and productivity of Ethiopian coffee.

Layo Teraga is an exceptionally clean and vibrant coffee, with notes of jasmine,

bergamot, sweet orange and lime.

-Location: Soutern Oromo State, Guji Zone

-Washing Station: Leyo Teraga

-Co Op: OCFCU (Oromia Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union)

-Memebers: 1884

-Elevation: 1550 - 2200m

-Varietal: Ethiopian varieties

-Process: Washed

-Certifications: Fair trade, Organic, BCS OKO-garantie

-Roast Profile: Medium/Espresso

Ideal for all pressurized methods ie Espresso or Stovetop, or for filter methods such as Plunger.

Also suitable for all filter methods; Chemex, V60, Aeropress, Clever, Swiss Gold, Moccamaster, Cold Drip/Brew, if you prefer a darker more full bodied taste.

C 4 Coffee
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