Brooklyn Flowers Claim this Business♡
$155Pastel Lily & Rose BouquetLilies and Roses are a much loved combination of two all time favourites.This bouquet is a selection soft shades of lilies and roses arranged with fresh foliage is a bouquet style and wrapped in our signature Brooklyn Wrap.Sizes This Arrangement will come with 5 Lilys and 8 Roses & foliageBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$180Ray Of Sunshine Designer BouquetIf you are looking for something a bit different this Valentines day then the designer Bouquet is a great option.A beautiful designer bouquet of seasonal freshly picked flowers and foliage styled by the Brooklyn Team and wrapped in our signature Brooklyn Wrap.Our designer bouquets are more of a fron...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$80White Tulip Bouquet For MumCrisp white tulips arranged with foliage in a beautiful bouquet, wrapped in our signature Brooklyn Wrap.Sizes Small 12 stemsMedium 20 stems ( Photo depict size Medium)Large 30 stemsAll tulips will arrive closed and will open over the coming days for mum to enjoyPlease note there may be slight colour...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$85Pastel BouquetA stunning bouquet of seasonal freshly picked flowers and foliage styled by the Brooklyn Team and wrapped in our signature Brooklyn Wrap Our our best-seller it is a combination of soft pastel tones.Add a gift or chocolate to your order hereFlower varieties and colours variations may vary due to seas...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0