Peony & Rose Bouquet


Peonies and roses are such a beautiful combination.

This bouquet comes in 3 different sizes each bouquet including Peonies and roses all bouquets come arranged with foliage and wrapped in our signature Brooklyn Wrap. All bouquets are wet wrapped for freshness.

If you want to send this product outside of Auckland, please click here.

colours variations may vary due to seasonal availability but will always be selected and styled with love to make a beautiful long-lasting bouquet

Please know all peonies will come in bud as we buy them fresh off the market, so you can enjoy them opening.

Bouquets sizes come in

Small will have approximately 3 Roses and 5 Peonies

Medium will have approximately 5 Roses and 8 Peonies

Large will have approximately 10 Roses and 12 Peonies ( Photo depict size large)

Delivery Information

Same-Day Flower Delivery

- Order before 2.30 pm for same-day flower delivery Auckland Wide.

Business Deliveries

- Order before 10.30 am for all Wider Auckland Business deliveries.
- Order before 2.30 pm for all Central Auckland Business deliveries.

Future Delivery Dates

- Place your order anytime for future delivery to guarantee your order.

Urgent Delivery

- Call us on 09 218 9846 or 027 261 5389 to place your urgent delivery

For more info please see our delivery information page for more details

Brooklyn Flowers
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