Texture and Beauty Flower Bouquet


A striking bouquet crafted using fresh, seasonal blooms in natural tones. Filled with subtle additions of texture you could look into this beautiful bouquet all day!

The flowers pictured are an indication of the flowers and colour combination. Please keep in mind that flowers are a natural product, and due to changes in seasons and availability, the flowers may not be exactly as pictured. If there are particular flowers that you would not like used, or want to customize your order, please get in touch with us, or let us know in the delivery instructions section at the checkout.

Image shown is a 'Generous' size

LOCAL DELIVERY - Flower deliveries to Addington, Akaroa, Belfast, Broadfield, Cashmere, Darfield, Duvauchelles, Eyrewell, Fernside, Greenpark, Halswell, Harewood, Hornby, Ilam, Irwell, Leeston, Lincoln, Kaipoi, Kirwee, Oxford, Merivale, Methven, Mayfield, New Brighton, Papanui, Rakaia, Rangiora, Rolleston, Sheffield, Southbridge, Springston, Strowan, Sydenham, Tai tapu, Templeton, Wainoni, West Melton, Christchurch City.

NEW ZEALAND WIDE DELIVERY: We are members of INTERFLORA which means we can arrange for your flowers and gifts to be delivered all over New Zealand and the rest of the world

For accurate shipping costs please add your purchase to your shopping cart. Delivery costs will be calculated based on the postcode of your recipient.

Broadfield Flowers
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