POWERbreathe Medic Plus


a Respiratory Muscle Training device (RMT) scientifically proven to strengthen the respiratory muscles, reducing breathlessness, improving exercise tolerance and enhancing quality of life in a wide range of patients. the second generation of POWERbreathe Medic RMT devices.


- 65% improvement in airflow dynamics compared to POWERbreathe Medic Classic
- Pressure Threshold training
- Improved, more comfortable mouthpiece
- Easy, visible load adjustment (no need to remove cover as with Classic Medic)
- Mechanically adjustable variable load settings (9 - 78cmH2O)


POWERbreathe Medic offers an evidence-based, drug-free treatment for patients in a variety of medical conditions such as COPD, Heart Failure, Asthma, Thoracic Surgery, Ventilator Weaning, Cystic Fibrosis and Neuromuscular Disease. BENEFIT TO PATIENTS OF USING THE POWERBREATHE MEDIC PLUS

These benefits were the findings of trials and research in which the original POWERbreathe Medic Classic was the intervention used.

- Increase in quality of life
- Reduction in drug intake by up to 75%
- Non-invasive treatment
- Drug-free with no side effects or drug interactions
- The first non pharmacological treatment for respiratory disease
- Clinically proven by a wealth of research
- Continuous research leads a program of development and new products
- Increases whole body’s capacity to undertaken activity or exercise
- Inspiratory Muscle Training (IMT) is part of the NICE guidelines for RMT
- Training adjunct for Pulmonary Rehab
- Can be used straight out of the box

Breathing Works
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