Dried Bouquet


A beautiful gift that will last around 12 -18 months

All florals are completely dried - all you need is a pretty vase to place them in. Please note that flowers will be different to the pictures depending on what's available at the time of your order. These florals are a mix of natural dried florals with coloured twigs and grasses ect..

The bouquet pictured is the large size.

Every Bourbon Rose bouquet is a unique work of floral design created by our florists, using the flowers available to them at the time. Flower stock varies day-to-day due to seasonal and market availability, and therefore variation in flower variety and colour tone is inevitable.

The bouquet pictured is intended as an example of the bouquets style represented in the neutral tones (first image) and the autumnal tones (the second Image), and while we endeavor to make it as close to as possible, often substitutions must be made. The style and value will remain the same.

If you have a particular variety of flower you want included, please call us and our team will help create a bespoke arrangement for you.

Bourbon rose florist
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