Raw Urban Multi Floral


Our Urban Multi Floral is dear to our hearts as it was one of our first honeys. We are lucky enough to have a community of people in the Central Plateau region that welcome our hives into their backyards , giving our girls access to this urban floral.

This in turn allows our honey bees to source a wide range of flora , from roses to thyme, citrus to rosemary, and nearly every other type of flower you could think of ends up one of our urban multi floral jars. 

Our urban multi floral has a smooth and buttery texture with hints of lavender, rose water and orange peel. It is a naturally runny honey, making it perfect for everyday use.

Our honey is raw meaning we do not heat treat it over 40 degrees (the natural temperature of the hive) or use a fine filter. Handling it this way keeps all of the natural properties intact, keeping our honey in its most natural state as possible, as the bees intended.  We don’t believe in changing something that has already been perfected.

Bonshaw Honey Co
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