Philodendron Brasil Hanging Pot

Characterised by its heart-shaped leaves, the Philodendron Brasil is a great versatile plant that is suitable for many rooms in your home. It's a hardy plant that can survive in lower light and colder temperatures, and is great for offices and homes, since it rids the air of carbon monoxide and formaldehyde.
Pot Size: 17cm
Please note plant sizes and colour may vary due to availability. Plant care guide:
Water: Let the soil become dry between waterings, if you'r leaves droop this means your philodendron is not getting enough water.
Light: Allow your philodendron to get plenty of bright, but indirect sunlight, too much and leaves can turn yellow.
Humidity: They can survive in a low humidity environment, but it will thrive with a higher humidity level. Mist the leaves regularly.
Temperature: They like to be in a warmer spot about 18 degrees C.
Toxic to cats & dogs? Yes
Air purifying? Yes
- Store:
- Black House Creative
- Price:
- $56.99