Schwalbe Tyre Pro One Aero

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The Pro One Aero is the result of a collaboration with Scott, Syncros and the Swiss engineering firm Radiate. An important part of the project: to develop the best possible aerodynamic tire that does not compromise riding performance. Schwalbe's developers optimized the tire shape for modern wide rims in the wind tunnel. Different constructions are used for the front and rear wheel.
Best possible aerodynamics and less weight: 235g.
Lowest rolling resistance combined with high puncture protection (270g). NEXT GENERATION COMPETITION TIRES: SCHWALBE PRO ONE AERO
"Numerous tests in the wind tunnel, in the laboratory and on the road: Schwalbe presents the Pro One Aero, which takes road bike tires to a new level with its aerodynamics. This is underlined by a total of 20% less air resistance on the Pro One Aero Front compared the Pro One TT (measured at 45 km/h and on a 28mm wide tire). At the same time, Schwalbe's RaceGuard material ensures high puncture resistance. SINGLEBR