Schwalbe Tyre Albert Radial

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- Experience unparalleled safety and control with our radial tyres.
- The radial carcass ensures a larger contact patch, providing superior grip and handling on uneven surfaces. This enhanced traction translates to improved comfort and safety.
- Our optimised tyre profile features numerous lugs for maximum control and durability.
- Enjoy peace of mind knowing you're riding with the ultimate in safety and performance
With our radial tires, we are turning the MTB world on its head. We have always asked ourselves the following question during development: How can we make the best possible use of the limited contact area of a tire?
The basis for this is the completely rethought construction of the carcass. The carcass threads, which run diagonally across the tire at a 45° angle in conventional bicycle tires, are arranged at a much more obtuse angle in our radial tires. This technology opens up a completely new dimension in the functi