Product Clumping Disclaimer: We recommend that you shake these products even while not in use, as the powder may settle over time. This powder contains certain ingredients which attract water molecules at room temperature, so any slight bit of moisture will allow it to start clumping.
The most powerful fat burner is here! Oxyshred from EHP Labs is a comprehensive formula that helps you to burn stubborn fat cells and boost metabolic rate.
The thermogenic formula works by stimulating fat receptor cells while kick-starting the metabolism. As more calories are burnt, more heat is generated, leading to increased breakdown of fat cells.
The formula is backed by alot of scientific research and contains ingredients that have been reccomended by experts for ultra efficient fat burning. Oxyshred now contains an awesome patented thermogenic ingredient called Advantra Z or 'bitter orange fruit extract', which stimulates our bodies fat burning receptor cells and natural energy levels, without placing additional stress on the heart, or increasing the heart rate.
Huperzone A has also been added, which is a supplement that dials up your focus levels, cognitive abilty, mental clarity and blood flow to the brain. This is especially effective when combined with the taurine, tyrosine and Acetyl L-Carnitine in Oxyshred, which works in synergy to promote mood elevation and cognition boosts during a caloric defecit diet (which is when dieters usually experience low energy, moodiness, brain fog and lethargy). THE BIGGEST BENEFITS OF OXYSHRED
- Zero sugars, fats or sodium
- Mobilises and burns fat effectively
- Mega Vitamin C dose (222% of the reccomended daily intake)
- Enhances mood
- Added vitamins, natural fibre and phytochemicals to boost immunity
- Limits absorption of calories and tastes great!
- Absence of heavy stimulants means no jitters KEY INGREDIENTS IN OXYSHRED
- Glutamine. L-Glutamine is an important amino acid that helps muscles recover post workout
- Vitamin C, the best known antioxidant
- Taurine, which alongside caffeine can boost muscular endurance
- Full spectrum of B Vitamins, to maximise energy production and boost immunity DIRECTIONS FOR USE:
MORNING: Mix one scoop of Oxyshred into 295ml of cold water on an empty stomach to optimise fat burning throughout the day.
TRAINING DAYS: Take another scoop of Oxyshred, added to 295ml of cold water, 20 minutes before a workout (no later than 5pm). As a highly effective pre-workout supplement, Oxyshred boosts energy levels and focus.
Allergen warning: Contains milk