Flo Travel Nasal Spray 20ml


Travelling in low humidity and air conditioning can result in a dry nose and increased susceptibility to airborne irritants, viruses and bacteria. Carrageenan (red seaweed extract) binds to nasal tissues, forming a protective layer, which helps retain moisture for hours. Carrageenan also has a virus-trapping capability, binding to many viruses that cause the common cold. The risk of infection and virus spread may be reduced due to this binding action

- FLO Travel Nasal Spray helps to:
- Wash away bacteria, viruses, and nasal irritants
- Keeps nasal tissue hydrated to minimise nasal dryness and crusting
- Aids in natural nasal immunity against cold viruses, bacteria, and irritants

Available in refill packs of 50 sachets.

How to use

- Prime the pump then insert the nozzle into your nostril
- For optimal coverage, angle the nozzle towards the earlobe on the same side as the nostril being treated
- Spray as many times as required to deliver the recommended dose
- Repeat this process with the other nostril.
- After use clean nozzle with soapy water, rinse with warm water and dry with a clean tissue. Replace protective cap.


Adults and children over 12 years: up to 2 sprays per nostril

Children 2 to 12 years of age: 1 spray per nostril

Use more frequently to relieve nasal dryness if required

Suitable for use in pregnancy and while breastfeeding

Bargain Chemist
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