Bricklayers Sand


Fine textured east coast sea sand from northern New Zealand. This sand is washed and screened as part of the manufacturing process. When dry is quite white in colour and very fine. The sand is extremely soft to the touch. Ideal for use in:

- bricklaying where a finer mortar is required
- plastering
- block laying
- kids sandpits as a soft sandpit sand

Given this sand is so soft and fine it is a popular choice as sandpit filler in kids sandpits. Typically 5 or 6 20kg bags will fill the commonly used blue clam shell mold popular in New Zealand. Exact replica of the type of sand seen on the beaches of the east coast upper north island.

For mortar applications the sand must be blended with the right amounts of cement and water, which can easily be done by the home DIYer.

This sand is inland land mined, and hence is not dredged from foreshore areas.

Available Sizes:

Retail Bags: Available in 16KG and 20KG retail bags for easy handlin

Bulk Bags: Available ¼m³, ½m³, and 1m³ for larger landscaping projects

Bag Boys
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