Natural Wooden Rhythm Sticks (Pair)

Natural Wooden Rhythm Sticks x 2 Tap sticks high and tap sticks low with our Natural Wooden Rhythm Sticks – our latest addition of wooden instruments for kids in our range.

The natural birch wood makes these sticks extra special.

They measure approx 20cm long x 2cm wide – just perfect for little hands.

Recommended for ages 12 months and up.

(Pricing is for two sticks)


Develop your child’s learning potential by playing and listening to music together. If you can shake it, bang it, rattle it and make a noise, it’s an instrument!

Music ignites all areas of child development and skills for school readiness: intellectual, social and emotional, motor, language, and overall literacy. It helps the body and the mind work together. Exposing children to music during early development helps them learn the sounds and meanings of words.

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