The Second Location by Bronwyn Lloyd


ISBN: 978-1-877441-45-5

‘Never Get Taken to the Second Location.’

This book abducts you. It takes you to unfamiliar places. Using the doomed love affair of painter Rita Angus and musician Douglas Lilburn as a backdrop, Bronwyn Lloyd’s first collection of stories is a leap into the surrealist dark. From her tale of doppelgänger suicide, ‘Sink or Swim,’ to the haunting cancer landscape of ‘Kaikuia,’ this collection may be strange, disturbing, and worrying, but it is never dull.

Bronwyn Lloyd completed a PhD in English at the University of Auckland in 2010. Her doctoral thesis provides a literary and art historical account of Rita Angus’s symbolic portraits. Since 1999 Bronwyn has published catalogue essays and articles on New Zealand painting, applied art and design as well as a number of short stories. She currently teaches Academic and Creative Writing at Massey University, School of English and Media Studies (Albany) and works as a freelance writer a...

Atuanui Press
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