Oval-8® Splint Kit


Oval-8® Finger Splints make treating a variety of finger conditions including Arthritis, Swan Neck Deformity or Trigger Finger comfortable and affordable. These easy-to-wear finger splints stabilize and align the small joints of the fingers to aid in healing and improve hand function. Features and Benefits: The simple, elegant design of the Oval-8® splints allows them to be worn different ways on the fingers to treat a variety of common conditions. Oval-8® splints improve finger stability and alignment for better hand function. Seamless and moulded these splints are so light and comfortable, they are hardly noticeable to the wearer. No messy tape or straps are needed so they can be worn in water without removing the splints. Oval-8® splints can be worn long term for persons with arthritis to align crooked fingers and may aid in preventing the progression of deformity. A full range of 28 full and half sizes provides a fit for nearly every finger.

Hand Therapy Products
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