DR Congo Buruga

Hailing from the heart of the East African Lake Region, this washed mixed-variety coffee showcases the diversity of African coffees: eeply sweet, with layers of spice and resinous pine, and stewed fruit flavours that linger to round out the cup. A complex and unique brew!

Origin: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kivu
Coop / farm: SOPACDI
Washing Station: Buruga
Varieties: Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai
Processing: Washed
Altitude : 1,600-1,800 masl
Roast Depth : Filter roast - Light


Body: Resinous
Acidity: Mellow, balanced
Sweetness: Deep, syrupy
Finish: Fruit flavours shine through
Flavour notes: Cinnamon, Maple Syrup, Stewed Apple

Recommended use:
Filter, Chemex, Moccamaster, AeroPress

Try our pour-over recipe.

Atomic Coffee
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