Papua New Guinea Baroida Estate | Espresso Roast
Sound familiar? We are back with another beautiful coffee produced by the Colbran family on their farm ‘ Baroida Estate ’. E arlier in the year we enjoyed their washed process as a soft brew/filter focused roast. N ow we are excited to offer their next harvest, this time with the cherries undergoing a natural process on raised beds to sundry. We felt this processing method highlighted qualities that best shine when brewed as espresso and so have developed a roast profile with this in mind. Think dark red fruits and sugar browning.
Origin: Papua New Guinea, Aiyura
Farm: Baroida Estate
Variety: Bourbon, Arusha, Mundo Novo, Typica
Processing: Natural
Altitude : 1,700-1,850 masl
Roast Depth : Espresso - Medium
Body: Full, creamy
Acidity: Mellow, malic / red apple
Sweetness: Deep, developped
Finish: Lingering sweetness
Flavour notes: Rose water, Black Forest, Cranberry
Recommended use: Espresso
for our espresso recipe.