Martian Manhunter (Volume 2) #16


This is a second-hand copy of and comes bagged.

Writers: John Ostrander
Penciler: Tom Mandrake
Inker: Tom Mandrake
Colourists: Carla Feeny & Heroic Age
Letterer: Bill Oakley

From the DC promo:

"J'onn J'onzz and an alien princess face almost-certain death in the conclusion of "Rings of Saturn!" No defense. No ability to manuever. And the pirate ship J'onn is aboard is about to be blasted into atoms by the Saturnians! But even if J'onn J'onzz escapes this harrowing ordeal, he must still confront the mystery and menace that is..Cabal!"

If you have any questions or want more photos, please get in touch.

Atlantis Books
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