Lavumisa Basket - Acacia Blush


Acacia Blush uses the combination of blush, white, smoke and chocolate creating a sophisticated neutral piece.

Using their signature material, these Lavumisa baskets are exclusively made by Gone Rural.

Since 1992 they have trained over 250 women on this style of basket and raised the quality and design of the finished products to the extent where many of the baskets have become collector's pieces and are now known as a hertiage Swazi product.

"Lavumisa" your home with these beautiful baskets. Hang them on the wall or use them as storage. They are guaranteed to brighten your home.

Every design is unique and may differ slightly from the picture.


30cm diameter

36cm diameter

45cm diameter

Care Instructions:

Wipe with a damp cloth if necessary

Artisans Bloom
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