Koru te toa paku - Koru the little fighter

Dimensions: 100x150cm Medium: Oil on Canvas Koru, the female kākāpō was one of the many sufferings from aspergillosis, a respiratory disease. She was lovingly nursed back to health by the wonderful avian staff and vets at Auckland Zoo and released back onto Whenua Hou/Codfish Island. Sadly, little Koru was found about 6 months later - she hadn’t made it. She was approximately only 1 year old - their life expectancy is estimated to be over 60 years. There are only 202 kākāpō left on the planet. 25% of the sale of this piece will go directly to the Kākāpō Recovery Programme www.kakaporecovery.org.nz so they can continue to be instrumental in the survival of these very unique and beautiful birds that are only found in Aotearoa.
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