Hard Day at Work Synergy

Shop Shelf-talker: ' Designed to get through that day or to wind down after work Inhale when you need to count to 10'.
Background Story: This formulation was created as we all can all have a hard day at work. Using a lovely combination of essential oils, it just seems to work beautifully to get your through the day. Many a client and customers have enjoyed this formulation over the years. Tried and tested and formulated on request, for a remedy to get get through the day, this is the one. Customers getting refils, really confirms they enjoy this synergy and it works.
How to Use: Use a few drops in a diffuser. Best use is adding a few drops to a sniffer inhaler Aromatherapy Sniffer – Aromaflex that you can use throughout the day. Keep in your pocket and use as required. At the end of the day, add a few drops to your bath or shower floor to unwind and relax.