Balance • Alignment • Energy • 8 Balancing oils

The perfect little gift of healing. Feeling out of whack? Get back into alignment with this beautiful Chakra oils set. The energies of the eight oils are designed to match with each of your seven chakras the eighth union oil, helping to dissolve energy blocks and restore balance.

This set comes with an 8th oil - Union, a radiant rainbow oil for integration, reawakening and harmony.

Chakra Oils are a unique synthesis of Aromatherapy Essential Oils, Gem Essences, Tree Elemental and Flower Essences, Herbal Infused Oils and plant-derived Natural Colours, all lovingly hand-created in the serene setting of Singing Brook Farm in Worthington, Massachusetts.

To use chakra oils effectively, meditate with them, massage a little oil over the chakra, and develop an understanding of the different chakras.

-Each chakra oil bottle is 30ml

Made with olive, coconut & jojoba oils, herbs, essential oils, flower, gem and tree essences.

Aroha Love
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