Glossostigma Elatinoides

Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 4 customer ratings

Item: A ball of glosso plants (see photo) approximately 40-70 or more glosso plantlets.

To plant: Float in a bowl of water, then using tweezers, plant them sparsely (approx an inch or so apart) in order to create a carpet as they will fill in over time. Even if a glosso plantlet doesn’t have any roots yet, still plant it anyway as the node area will grow roots very very quickly.

Get an alert when the product is in stock: Get an alert Tweet Add to Wishlist Add to Wishlist Categories: Care - Advanced, Carpeters/Creepers, Foreground, Lighting - Medium to High, Lighting - Very High, Plants, Pond, Garden and Hydro, Snail Free Range, Tolerates cold water

- Description Description

Type: Carpeter/Creeper

Care: Advanced

Growth Rate: Fast

Lighting: Medium to Very High (preferably very high but will survive in medium light although growth will be slower)

Propagation: Sends out runners

Colour: Green


Aquatic Plants
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