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$59Original Balling ComponentsTropic Marin® are the three salts used in the Balling method to allow an independent dosage of calcium and carbonates adapted to each individual aquarium.The three part method adds calcium chloride dihydrate (part A) and sodium carbonate/bicarbonate (part B), while the addition of sodium chloride f...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$109Original Balling Liquid Setliquid supply of calcium and alkalinity using the Balling methodThe Tropic Marin® consists of three solutions A, B and C according to the well-known Balling method and can be used immediately - manually or by dosing pump.The three part method adds calcium chloride dihydrate (part A) and sodium carb...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$89Bio-MagnesiumBIO-MAGNESIUM For biologically ideal magnesium intake in the reef aquariumBesides calcium and strontium, some coral and coralline red algae also store magnesium in their skeleton. It is biochemically directly involved in the photosynthesis of algae, i.e. the conversion of carbon dioxide and light in...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$59LIQUID BUFFERLiquid pH buffer and KH creatorsLiquid pH buffer and KH creator for seawater aquariumsMarine aquariums need optimal buffering for good coral growth with a stable carbonate hardness between 7 and 9 ° dH. In addition, fluctuations in the pH, e.g. in hyperacidity by excretions and by decomposition pro...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$59A- ELEMENTSA- Elements Anionic trace element supplement :Tropic Marin® A- Elements contains a selection of essential anionic trace elements for the promotion of growth and the natural colouring of the corals.Trace elements are natural minerals which are needed by all aquarium inhabitants to maintain biologica...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$59RE-MINERAL MARINE 250g• Without sodium chloride (NaCl)How to use:Add one level measuring spoon full for 4 US gal./15 l of water. Ensure that you use the enclosed spoon to measure a precise amount of RE-MINERAL MARINE. Use the spatula provided to wipe over the spoon and level the powder. Sprinkle one measuring spoonful ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$59LIPO-GARLIC 50mlLIPO-GARLICHigh-energy garlic and vitamin additiveTropic Marin® Lipo-Garlic is a high-quality mixture of selected oils for use as a food supplement and contains highly unsaturated fatty acids of marine oils as well as garlic as an active ingredient. Garlic has a demonstrably beneficial effect, duri...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$39IMMUVIT 60gIMMUVIT Natrual immune stimulant and vitamin B supplementFish in an aquarium are exposed to increased risk of infection due to morbid bacteria and germs. This frequently causes illness in weakened fish and in stress situations. If this is recognised too late, the consequences for fish can be fatal, ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$59NP-BACTO-PELLETSBiodegradable filter media for the effective removal of nitrates and phosphatesOrganic filter medium for fluidised bed reactors for effective biological nitrate and phosphate reduction with a quick-starting, continuous action. Tropic Marin® NP-Bacto-Pellets consist of a mixture of natural biopolyme...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$89Triple Buffer 1800gTRIPLE-BUFFER pH buffer and carbonate hardness supplementThe triple effect of Tropic Marin® Triple Buffer raises the pH value to the optimum range, increases and stabilizes alkalinity and simultaneously supplies essential trace elements to saltwater aquariums. BenefitsHelps quickly and reliably whe...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$59Ca/Mg Pro TestCalcium/Magnesium-Combitest Professional for saltwater aquariums Measuring range & accuracyMeasurement range: Ca 300 - 498 mg/l (ppm)Measurement range: Mg 820 - 1800 mg/l (ppm)Accuracy: Ca 4 mg/lAccuracy: Mg 20 mg/l About calcium and magnesiumAlong with sodium, potassium, chloride and sulphate, calc...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$159Compact LabFor determining the essential water values in seawater aquariumsThe test set Tropic Marin® includes all the important tests for prompt and precise determination of water values. The pH value, alkalinity, phosphate level, nitrite and nitrate content as well as the ammonia concentration of the water ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$49Elimi-Phos LonglifeHighly effective iron hydroxide granules with particularly long-lasting phosphate removing actionHigh levels of phosphates and organic pollutants promote unwanted algae growth and compromise health of aquarium inhabitants. Tropic Marin® Elimi-Phos and Tropic Marin® Elimi-Phos Longlife granules are...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$59K+ ElementsK Elements Cationic trace element supplementTropic Marin® K Elements contains a selection of essential cationic trace elements for the promotion of growth and the natural colouring of the corals.Trace elements are natural minerals which are needed by all aquarium inhabitants to maintain biological ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$49KH Pro TestCarbonate hardness / alkalinity test professional for fresh and saltwater aquariums Measuring range & accuracyMeasurement range: 0.1 - 20 °dHAccuracy: 0.1 °dH About alkalinityThe carbonate hardness (KH) or alkalinity of a water sample characterises the buffering capacity, i.e. the ability to maint...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$59K+ Pro TestK Pro Test Potassium-Test Professional for saltwater aquariums Measuring range & accuracyMeasurement range: 300 - 500 mg/l (ppm)Accuracy: 5 mg/l About potassiumPotassium is a vitally important macro-nutrient for all living beings. In natural ocean water, this alkali metal is present in an average co...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$49NO2/ NO3 Pro TestNO2/ NO3 Pro Test Nitrite/ Nitrate test professional for fresh and saltwater aquariums Measuring range & accuracyMeasurement range for nitrite: 0 - 1.0 mg/l (ppm)Measurement range for nitrate: 0 - 20 mg/l (ppm)Accuracy for nitrite: 0.002 mg/l (ppm)Accuracy for nitrate: 0.05 mg/l (ppm) About nitrite ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$89Original Balling Refill SetRefill set for liquid supply of calcium and alkalinity using the Balling methodThe Tropic Marin® is for refilling the Tropic Marin® Original Balling Liquid Set by dissolving each bag in 1.32 US-gal./ 5 l water WITHOUT WEIGHING.The three part Balling method adds calcium chloride dihydrate (part A) ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$49PO4 Pro TestPhosphate test professional for fresh and saltwater aquariums Measuring range & accuracyMeasurement range for freshwater: 0.01 - 1.0 mg/l (ppm)Measurement range for saltwater: 0.01 - 1.0 mg/l (ppm)Accuracy: 0.02 mg/l (ppm) About phosphatePhosphates are important nutrients for all plants and are vita...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$249Professional LabTest set for determining the most important water values in saltwater aquariums including standards for checking the of all test kits.The test set Tropic Marin® for determining the most important water values in saltwater aquariums including standards for checking the of all test kits. BenefitsTest...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$49Zootonicliquid zooplankton replacementTropic Marin® is high quality plankton replacement for feeding plankton filter feeders in the seawater aquarium with all nutrients such as amino acids, highly unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins necessary for life.The nutrients for the filter feeders are solubilised i...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$39Multi-Standard 250mlMulti-Standard - Mineral reference solution for test kits :Reagents in test kits can lose their effectiveness and accuracy over time due to unfavourable storage conditions, high or low temperature and through exposure to oxygen. This can then lead to incorrect results. The respective tests should ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$29NP-Standard 50mlNP-Standard - Reference solution for checking test kits (NO3, PO4) :Reagents from test kits can lose their activity over time due to unfavorable storage conditions, high or low temperatures and exposure to oxygen. This can lead to incorrect results. The respective tests should therefore be regular...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$39Tropic Marin® Phos-StartParticulate nutrient minerals for starting marine aquariumsis based on the nutrient supply mechanisms seen in the natural coral reef environment. Insoluble, particulate excretions of fish or plankton supply corals with phosphate and all other necessary substances which are responsible for an intact...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0