Plastic Hens Eggs | A Trio

- White plastic hens nest eggs.
- These are standard size weighted hens eggs.
- 63mm long x 44mm diameter.
- Weighing 36gm each.
- Pack of 3.
Keep a trio in the nest box to encourage your hens where to lay.
We recommending investing in some fake eggs. Very handy to have for a few reasons! We place them in the laying boxes when pullets are POL (point of lay) to encourage them to lay in the nest boxes. Hens will go and lay where there is usually an egg or two so having a pair of false eggs permanently in the nest box/es is a good idea. Collect the fresh eggs daily and leave the fake eggs as an indicator to your hens. Slipping some wooden eggs under a broody hen to keep her sitting is another reason to have a pair..and fake eggs are solid so cannot be pecked at..collect fresh eggs often to reduce the risk of hens eating eggs.
- Price:
- $8