Bell Poultry Drinker Large Ballast Automatic | Assembled

Hanging Automatic Drinker.

- Big suspension waterer working on the ballasting principle. As water is taken, the load lightens and the valve system lets water in again.

- This waterer is ideal for up to 300 chicks, or 150 layers, or as a home-breeder waterer. 10mm water connection.
- Adjustable water level.
- Dimension: Dish diameter is 37cm and height is 55cm overall.
- Working pressure from 0.2 to 0.5 bar (3 to 8 psi).

PLEASE NOTE: For low-pressure water supply only.
This unit is designed to run off low a pressure water supply with a maximum working pressure of 0.2 to 0.5 bar (3 to 8 psi max). Totally suitable for a gravity feed supply.

Appletons Animal Housing and P...
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