1/8" Stainless Steel Water Nipple | Monoflow | Poultry & Rabbits

Using water nipples helps to reduce water spills and disease.

- Very small push-operated water stainless steel nipple.
- 1/8" NPT Thread.
- Very light action, closed by water pressure only.
- Designed for gravity feed only - please note not suitable for high-pressure mains.
- No spring or O-ring.
- Length app. 4cm.
- Quality manufacture by Monoflow.

Installation Options

- The s/s Monoflow nipples can be installed into 15mm or 20mm PVC pipe.
- Nipples can be installed directly into any plastic alkathene pipe (15-20mm) or the base of recycled plastic containers or drums.

- Simply use a 9mm drill bit and make a small hole in the bottom of your chosen water container.
- The hole needs to be just smaller than the threaded bit on the nipple.
- Self screw into the bottom of the container.
- Advisable to seal around with sealer.
- Using water nipples helps to reduce water spills where disease would live and breed under open water dishes. Tips for training chooks onto nipples

The golden rule for teaching birds to use any type of new watering system like nipples is to remove all other sources of water! As long as they have what they are familiar with they will use it first and will never try something new. If their only choice is to drink from that new shiny metal thingy hanging under the pipe or bucket, it will only take one thirsty bird to try it and show everybody elsewhere to get a drink. To teach your birds to use the nipples remember the golden rule - remove all other sources of water!
When you have installed the new nipple system, simply gather your chooks around and show them by tapping the nipples with your fingers which cause water to leak. That will get their attention and they learn very quickly.

We recommend 3 to 4 chickens per nipple.

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