NZ Poultry Standard Edition 3

Every poultry breeder's bible!

New Zealand Poultry Standards - Hard Covered Book.
These Standards have been approved by the New Zealand (North Island) Poultry, Pigeon and Bird Association and the New Zealand (South Island) Poultry, Pigeon and Cage Bird Association. 310 pages. Over 70 in colour.

Content Includes:
The History of the New Zealand Poultry Standards. Preparation of Birds for Show. Instruction to Judges. Defects and Serious Defects. Nomenclature of both Male and Female Fowl. Glossary of Terms.
Standards for: 1. Hard Feathered Fowl and Bantams, 2. Soft Feathered Heavy Breeds and Bantams, 3. Soft Feathered Light Breeds and Bantams, 4. True Bantams 5. Heavy Breed Ducks 6. Light Breed Ducks 7. Bantam Ducks 8. Geese 9. Turkeys 10. Guinea Fowl 11. Eggs.
This book is your best reference book if you wish to know what is acceptable and what is considered a fault when it comes to breeding and showing birds.
An absolute must-have for the serious Poultry Breeder and Show Exhibitor.

Don't miss out, we only have very limited numbers available. This book can't be found in book shops, and can only be purchased new through poultry clubs or authorised sellers.

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