Dust Bath Bowl Kit | Appletons

All chickens get clean by getting dirty 😊
Our ever popular dust bath bowl kits will be back in stock early January - all going to plan
Just like a human bathtub, a dust bath to chickens is all about cleanliness. It’s not only chickens who like to hit the dirt – you may spot other birds such as sparrows and blackbirds taking a dust bath too. The dust or sand absorbs surplus moisture and oils on the skin. A dirt bath maintains the water resistance of the outer feathers of a chicken. It also deters parasites such as mites and lice by coating the insects’ breathing pores or simply driving them away. Dust bathing is an important part of keeping chickens healthy and clean. Once fully coated in dust or sand, the chicken will have a shake-down, just like a dog after a dip in a river. A quick preen of the feathers, and they’ll be all done and dusted. Literally. In addition to these physical benefits, dust-bathing is also thought to be mentally rewarding for hens. It helps them relax, and is a way of socialising too.
Keep your hens mite and lice free with an Appletons Dust Bath Kit.

Your Appletons Dust Bath Kit includes:

- Recycled rubber dust bath bowl with carry handles – heavy duty
- 1 cup calcium carbonate REFILL
- 1 x 1.5kg Fine Sand REFILL
- 1 cup Wood Ash REFILL
- A dash of Medicinal Herbs (depending on availability can be lavender, rosemary, lemon balm or mint)

We have supplied all you need except for the dry dirt which is best sourced from your own backyard. Make sure it is dry, fine and friable.
Dust Bath Bowl is best placed undercover or out of the rain on wet days.

Refills available

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