Doctor Pet Healing Balm| Smooch

Miracle pet balm.

An anti-bacterial and anti-fungal cream with great healing properties.
Smooch is an owned and operated company that makes natural healthcare products for humans and their pets. This cream originally came about as the owners' pet dog Tui suffered from contact dermatitis from flea bites (she was flea treated but they still affected her if one landed), also from grass and plants, particularly Wandering Jew.

- Doctor Pet can be used on sores, scratches, rashes, eczema, liver spots, bites, after an operation, protection from the sun or to ease sunburn.
- Promotes healing through daily application to the problem area of natural healing ingredients.
- Deters flies from an open sore. Apply Doctor Pet daily for full benefits.
- Distract pets immediately after application to allow the product to absorb, approximately 2-3 minutes.
- Like all Smooch products, there’s nothing in Doctor Pet that they can’t eat.
- There are many plants and grasses that can result in an allergic reaction for animals but Wandering Jew (aka Tradescantia and Wandering Willie) is a succulent plant that commonly causes contact dermatitis in many animals.
- Doctor Pet can be rubbed on pets skin and between toes before or after a walk (or both) to assist repairing the skin damage and possibly prevent itchy bellies due to the thin film it creates on their skin.
- Can be used on dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs and chickens.

Ingredients: Fijian Niu Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Sesame Oil, Hemp Oil, Plant-based Vitamin E,

Smooch has had a lot of success with this product and wish you well trying it on your pet. Feedback has been very positive with many comments like "Thank you, you have saved us thousands!"

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