Chicken Fencing 50m | Electric

Electrified fencing ensures the safe and secure keeping of outdoor poultry and predators, or over-inquisitive pets, are kept at bay.

- The netting is 120cm high x 50m long.
- Incorporates 13 horizontal electrified strands with strengthened top strand and non-electrified verticals and bottom strand.
- Electrification of all strands is by a combined loom at each end, complete with simple clips for attachment to any electrified fence wire.
- Fence lengths can easily be connected for longer runs.
- Each 50m long fence incorporates 14 reinforced fiberglass with steel dual-prong step-ins.
- Orange colour makes it more visible and fencing is easily portable.
- Spares kit included.
- Extra posts available

We use this electric poultry fencing to contain our chickens in our paddocks we keep alongside our stock (goats, deer and miniature horses) and it works well for us.

Remember to keep the current 'live' so the stock do not chew on the fencing.

Optional Chicken Fencing Door: This fence netting door solves the problem of how to get in and out of an electrified fencing enclosure. Power does not have to be turned off to use the door. Quick and easy to open and close and wide enough to be used for mobile equipment. 86cm wide. Height 125cm. Supplied in kit form and can be installed in new fences and retro-fitted to existing fences.

Please choose carefully as we do not accept and offer refunds on Chicken Fencing.

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