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$26Brown Sugar & Fig - Soy CandleBROWN SUGAR & FIG Smells like baking. Musky-sweet. Strong. Brown Sugar & Fig has been one of the most loved ones since ages ago.MADE WITH FIGPEACHESPASSIONFRUITCOCONUT MILKLILY OF THE VALLEYFREESIACARAMELMAPLE MUSK Available in 150gm - 35 hrs and 400gm - 75 hrs.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$26Smoked Lavender - Soy CandleSMOKED LAVENDER The original Smoked Lavender. Smells intense, strong. Layered with florals and an earthy deep base. Addictive. Not how you'd expect lavender to be.MADE WITH BERGAMOTLAVENDERORANGE ZESTYLANG YLANGCINNAMONCLOVEFRENCH VANILLASANDALWOODROSEWOODAvailable in 150gm - 35 hrs and 400gm - 75 hrsBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$26White Sandalwood - Soy CandleWHITE SANDALWOOD Smells creamy and exotic. Spicy. Sweet. Relaxing. A little bit fancy.MADE WITH BERGAMOTPINK GRAPEFRUITLIMEMARSHMALLOWPATCHOULICASHMEREAMBERCEDARWOODVANILLAAvailable in 150gm - 35hrs and 400gm - 75 hrs.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$26Whiskey in a jar - Soy CandleWHISKEY IN A JAR Smells like whiskey with melted butter and cream. Strong. Relaxing. A top seller.MADE WITH BERGAMOTLEMONCANDY FLOSSBROWN SUGARWALNUTCREAMBUTTERMAPLEWHISKEYAvailable in 150gm - 35 hrs and 400gm - 75 hrsBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$26Dark Vanilla - Soy CandleDARK VANILLA Not like most vanilla's. This one is unique. It smells like a perfect combination of vanilla, musk and sugarcane.MADE WITH PATCHOULIMUSKCEDARWOODLEATHERMILKTONKAMARSHMALLOWVANILLAAvailable in 150gm - 35 hrs and 400gm - 75 hrs.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$26Banana Toast - Soy CandleBANANA TOAST The best thing since sliced bread. It's good enough to eat - but don't, just light it. Creamy. Sweet. Sugary.MADE WITH BANANATOASTBUTTERSUGARCINNAMONVANILLAHONEYBUTTERMILKAvailable in 150gm - 35 hrs and 400gm - 75 hrs.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$32Smoked Lavender - Perfume OilSMOKED LAVENDER The original Smoked Lavender. Smells intense, strong. Layered with florals and an earthy deep base. Addictive. Not how you'd expect lavender to be.MADE WITH BERGAMOTLAVENDERORANGE ZESTYLANG YLANGCINNAMONCLOVEFRENCH VANILLASANDALWOODROSEWOOD10ml roll-on perfume oil. It's genderless, if you like it, use it.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$26Odd Candle - Autumn v1THE ODD CANDLE Pistachio cream caramel - Autumn v.1We ditched the fruity notes this month. Pistachio cream, caramel, vanilla and some subtle jasmine. It's a new profile for an Odd Candle and we like it a lot. If you know and like our other caramelly fragrances Brown Sugar & Fig and Whiskey in a Jar...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$17Odd Candle - Plum & VanillaTHE ODD CANDLE OCT 2024It’s got a big ol’ notes of plum and a dash of sugary vanilla. This one’s for the lovers of all things sweet and fruity! MADE WITH PLUMVANILLABLACKBERRYSUGARLEMON 200gm - 75 hrsOpen one of our ODD CANDLES to discover a wonderfully odd fragrance, only here for a month, so get it while you can!Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$17Odd Candle - Bergamot & PatchouliTHE ODD CANDLE AUGUST 2024It smells earthy. It’s like the outdoors but inside a fancy house, so fresh and so clean. MADE WITH BERGAMOTGINGERPATCHOULIAMBEROUD 200gm - 75 hrsOpen one of our ODD CANDLES to discover a wonderfully odd fragrance, only here for a month, so get it while you can!Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$20Odd Candle - Liquorice & MarshmallowTHE ODD CANDLE MAY 2024Smells from the lolly jar. Soft and syrupy, perfect for a sweet tooth. MADE WITH VANILLAMARSHMALLOWSUGARMUSKANISECITRUS200gm - 75 hrsOpen one of our ODD CANDLES to discover a wonderfully odd fragrance, only here for a month, so get it while you can!Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$17Odd Candle - Milk & CookiesTHE ODD CANDLE DEC 2024Smells of chocolate, vanilla, biscuit, caramel and cream. Like how the kitchen smells after baking chocolate chip cookies. It’s that, plus milk. MADE WITH VANILLABISCUITCARAMELCREAMCHOCOLATE Available in 150gm - 35 hrs and 400gm - 75 hrs.Open one of our ODD CANDLES to discover a wonderfully odd fragrance, only here for a month, so get it while you can!Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$17Odd Candle - Water Blossom & VanillaTHE ODD CANDLE April 2024A musky, sweet, floral number. MADE WITH WATER BLOSSOMLILYWHITE MUSKORANGETONKAVANILLA200gm - 75 hrsOpen one of our ODD CANDLES to discover a wonderfully odd fragrance, only here for a month, so get it while you can!Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$17Odd Candle - Sweet Pea & PeachTHE ODD CANDLE NOV 2024It’s smells like spring with a bit of summer added too. You really can’t go wrong with peach, vanilla and florals. MADE WITH VANILLAPEACHSWEET PEAJASMINENECTARINE 200gm - 75 hrsOpen one of our ODD CANDLES to discover a wonderfully odd fragrance, only here for a month, so get it while you can!Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0