Suction Filter Screen


s for Inline Water Filters.

The strainer screens we sell now have international colour consistency.
See the handy ISO colour chart with the updated changes below. Mesh Size New ISO Colour 16 Brown/Red 20
Beige 24
White 25/30 Flame Red 50/60
Gentian Blue 80
Zinc Yellow 100
Traffic Green 120
Brown 200
Light Pink

At the same time, numeric mesh size markings were added to the screens and strainers equipped with wire mesh. For all-metal screens that do not feature a plastic frame, colour coded dots are applied to the ferrule to identify mesh size in accordance with the ISO colour standard.

While the change to the colour is significant, the actual screen/mesh sizes and product performance was never affected. Customers should have not noticed any change in the performance of their strainer and, if you have, please get in touch with us.

As with everything we sell at Allflow, if you are ever in doubt or have a question, just ask us. You can find these strainers by colour and size here. When in the store, strainers are organised by colour.

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