Grease Trap 75 Litre


This domestic 75L grease trap is designed to be connected to a standard 50mm or 100mm drain and is used to effectively trap FOG (fats, oils and grease) from entering your septic or greywater system. Total volume (litres) Treatment capacity (litres) Length (mm) Width (mm) Height (mm) Inlet Invert Outlet Invert 96 75 580 380 440 370 350 Features:

- Lightweight (9kg) and easy to transport and manoeuvre
- Welded frame with 12mm wall thickness for robustness and reliability
- Increased baffles and chambers for greater efficiency
- Handles harsh chemicals, heavy FOG, and temperatures up to 65°C
- The polyethylene material used is resistant to aggressive fatty acids – and therefore particularly durable

This grease trap is often used in conjunction with our WaterMate Greywater Recycling Unit

Purchase the complete Greywater Recycling Package and save over $160.00!

To clean the grease trap:

The grease trap will need to be cleaned out before the top fat/oil layer is 50mm thick. The easiest way is to bail it out with a small jug or container into a bucket. The contents from the grease trap can be composted or buried. Always refill the grease trap with fresh water after emptying to the outlet level so that the grease trap can work properly and water only flows out the outlet.

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