Monochrome Pinks Bouquet
Monochrome pinks bouquet is a beautiful selection of all pink flowers in different hues, perfect for a pink lover and a modern twist on some colourful flowers.
The bouquet is wrapped beautifully in white wrap, tissue and ribbon. Or we have the option of it being wrapped in a cellophane bag and tissued presentably in our Alexmarie box bag which is a better option if it is going to a hospital or somewhere with a lack of vases.
Each bouquet will never be the same and will change depending on flower availability, which is all dependent on what the flower markets have in season and in stock. If you have any questions call us at 64 214 755 78.
The flower bunch pictured here is $85.
Available for delivery within Hamilton/Cambridge or enquire for outside delivery.
- Store:
- Alexmarie
- Price:
- $85