PXL Hunter Peep Verifier Lens

The most advanced peep system in the archery industry, completely designed for ultimate accuracy. Don’t let changes in your vision compromise your ability to make the shot. The Verifier has a lens in it similar to those found in reading glasses which allows you to see your sight pins better on your hunting sight.

- Verifiers are available in #4 (Silver), #5 (Purple), #6 (Pink), #7 (Blue), #8 (White) or #9 (Orange) powers.

- NOTE: PXL Hunter Peep Lenses require the use of a PXL Hunter Peep Aperture to secure the lens into the PXL Hunter Peep housing.
- PXL Hunter Peep and component weights:

- PXL Hunter Peep – 30.5 grains
- PXL Hunter Peep Capture Aperture – 7.5 grains
- PXL Hunter Peep Clarifiers/Verifiers – 3.5 grains
- PXL Hunter Peep Shade Cap – 3.0 grains

Advanced Archery
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