Goldring D12GX Replacement Stylus (1010/1012/1012GX)
Gyger II nude diamond stylus
A fine-line elliptical type with a 6 µm small radius it gives smooth, extended highs, low distortion and reproduces a highly detailed and dynamic sound. Advanced diamond tip polishing ensures excellent tracking ability and reduces record wear. Because it fills the record groove more completely due to its larger major radius, the Gyger II represents a major upgrade over normal elliptical stylus types.
Expert Adjustment
The correct setting of stylus azimuth (or horizontal tracking angle) is essential for the maintenance of a proper stereo sound stage. Azimuth is the term used to describe the angle that the vertical centre-line of the stylus makes with the record surface and this must be exactly perpendicular to the record groove. This is not usually a user adjustable parameter on most budget decks and so it is vital that the cartridge leaves the factory with the azimuth precisely set. Badly adjusted azimuth can cause uneven channel balance and increased crosstalk between channels which would severely degrade the stereo image.