Naim ND5 XS 2 Network Player


1 year warranty.

Only available online

Our entry-level network player is the perfect introduction to music streaming
The ND5 XS 2 uses our innovative new streaming platform with an expanded feature set. High-res UPnP™ streaming, AirPlay, Chromecast built-in, Bluetooth (apt X HD), Spotify Connect, TIDAL, Roon compatibility, internet radio and multiroom streaming – alongside digital and USB inputs for conventional connections – make this versatile player the ideal partner for one of our integrated amplifiers.

Carefully selected and matched parts, an oversized toroidal transformer, decoupled PCB boards: the ND5 XS 2 benefits from classic Naim engineering and fastidious attention to detail to ensure that it delivers natural, engaging sound quality from all sources.

Technology & Craft
The streaming section of the ND5 XS 2 uses the latest Naim network card featuring low-noise, high-speed low-voltage differential signalling (LVDS) to route the digital audio signal. The higher speed is capable of decoding all HD audio formats at up to 32 bits/384 kHz or DSD128. Rather than the source acting as the digital timing master, our new streaming board turns things around and allows our DAC clock to control the flow of audio data. The data is integer-over-sampled in a SHARC DSP to an incredible 40-bit accuracy before it’s fed to the PCM1791A Burr-Brown digital-toanalogue converter.

Developing a new streaming platform was one of the biggest projects we have ever taken on. Naim engineers across all disciplines – electronic, industrial, acoustic and mechanical – worked for three years to create a system that could make the most of online services such as TIDAL and Spotify while adding future-proof flexibility through Chromecast built-in. Supporting faster data rates with dual-band Wi-Fi and the latest 802.11ac protocol, this robust platform was designed for the highest performance on every level.

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