True Indicating STEAM Mini Spore Ampoules


True Indicating offers spore ampoules for use in monitoring the efficacy of steam sterilization processes. Spore ampoules are a self contained biological indicator ideal for use in validation of liquid sterilization cycles. Ampoules may be placed in larger containers such as vials but are also suitable for monitoring non-liquid loads. No activation is required after exposure of the spore ampoule to a sterilization process. Remove the ampoule post exposure from the sterilizer and incubate.

Spore ampoules are manufactured using hermetically sealed type i borosilicate glass containing a modified soybean casein digest broth with pH indicator & the specified population of geobacillus stearothermophilus or bacillus subtilis spores. Growth is evident by either turbidity and/or a shift in colour.

Spore ampoules are labelled with 24 months of shelf life. Store ampoules under refrigerated conditions (5 ± 3˚c). Spore ampoules are compliant with ANSI/AAMI/ISO/EN and USP where applicable.

Geobacillus Stearothermophilus, Cell Line 7953

50 Mini Spore Ampoules 10 Negative Control / Box

Product Code








For Low Temperature Steam Processes (

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