IKA Screening System Package (8 cells)
The usage of the single-cell screening system allows you to customize each reaction cell. The operator is able to individually pre-set an applied voltage of 0 – 32 V or 0 – 10 A current by using two voltage sources, each providing four outputs. Every reaction cell can be equipped with electrodes made of either different or the same electrode material. This depends strongly on the electro synthesis envisioned. All cells are arranged in a heating block that, if necessary, is heated up by a magnetic stirrer belonging to the scope of delivery. An external PT 1000 temperature sensor ensures the monitoring and control of the exact heating block temperature.
- Up to 8 undivided cells can be operated simultaneously and individually
- Synthesize sufficient quantities for GC, LC or NMR analysis processes
- Separate control and pre-set for each cell
- Easy testing of identical or differing electrolysis runs
- Fast identification of ideal process parameters
- Digital recording of test parameters
- Simultaneous mixing and heating
- Full temperature control (PT 1000) using heat block
- Control and automation via Labworldsoft 6.0
- Time and resources savings
Scope of delivery
- Screening System Package (8 Cells)
- Single Cells (8x)
- reaction block (6 cells)
- IKA Plate (RCT digital)
- Aluminum block 8 cells
- H 16 V Support rod
- Crown stirrer (8x)
- Set of cables with crocodile clamps (Channel 1-4)
- H 38 Holding rod
- H 44 Boss head clamp
- Set of cables with crocodile clamps (Channel 5-8)
- Allen wrench
- USB SER 4 (16x)
- Power Supply (2x
- Store:
- Acorn Scientific