Discover more like Meebz Coffee Meebz Blend
$7.50Meebz Coffee Meebz BlendThe flagship choice from Meebz The Meebz Blend is our staple choice and is by far our biggest seller with those that buy coffee online and in our retail store. Enjoyed all across New Zealand, its popularity has risen from the blends bold creamy texture and chocolate flavours along with a punchy body...Buy from Store Showing More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$7.50Meebz Coffee Premium BlendMeebz darkest blend The Premium Blend is our strongest blend left in the coffee roaster for a little longer to offer a bold, rich and creamy coffee. Our coffee roaster says this blend brings out the heavy and bold flavours. A good option for espresso (particularly milk based coffee's such as flat wh...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$7.50Meebz Coffee Vivace CoffeeThe Meebz Coffee Vivace Blend is left in the coffee roaster for a little longer to offer a dark, bold and creamy coffee. This blend brings out the richness of coffee without giving too much bitterness. A popular option for espresso or a rich filter. Flavour Notes: - A rich blend with lower acidity. ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$7.50Meebz Coffee RivieraMeebz lowest acid blend The Riviera Blend is our smooth low acid blend. Crafted by the coffee roaster for a coffee that is sweet, nutty and roasted for flavour. Our coffee roaster says this blend has a lower acidity and is designed to be more gentle on your stomach. This is done by selecting beans a...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$7.50Meebz Coffee Java GoldThe Meebz Java Gold is a smooth, well-balanced and flavoursome blend. A good option for filter or a lighter espresso option. Crafted by the coffee roaster for a coffee that is sweet with a good body and roasted for flavour. This blend has a very even balance with all flavour components. Tasting Note...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$7.50Meebz Coffee Italian CoffeeItalian roasted blend with sweet, chocolate and nutty notes. The Italian Blend has been roasted with a good combination of strength and flavour. Our coffee roaster says this blend is roasted to derive its natural sweetness. A popular option for espresso or a rich filter with those that buy coffee on...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$7.50Meebz Coffee Brazil Dark Coffee - Single OriginMeebz darkest, richest coffee The Brazil Dark is our rich, dark and bold single origin from South America. Crafted by the coffee roaster for a coffee that is bold with a good body and low acidity. Our coffee roaster is proud to showcase this single origin for an option that focuses on dark flavour a...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$8.50Meebz Coffee Pacific BlendMeebz sweet and zesty organic blend The organic Pacific blend is our sweet and zesty blend using only organic certified beans. Crafted by the coffee roaster for an organic coffee that is sweet with a silky body and complex acidity. Our coffee roaster is proud to showcase this blend as a bright and f...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$38Meebz Coffee Panama Geisha Coffee - Hacienda Barbara WashedPanama Geisha - Washed from Hacienda Barbara Estate This coffee is from our superlative menu and is roasted to order. It will take longer to prepare and this coffee may not be in stock in-store. The best way to order is to place the order online with the option to pickup or be sent via courier. On a...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$8.50Meebz Coffee Espresso DecafMeebz Espresso decaf blend The Espresso Decaf blend will change the way you think about decaffeinated coffee. Crafted by the coffee roaster for a decaf coffee with a big bold body and rich texture. Our coffee roaster is proud to showcase this coffee as an option without caffeine but full flavour. A ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$8.50Meebz Coffee Colombian Decaf CoffeeThe single origin Colombian Decaf will change the way you think about decaffeinated coffee. Crafted by the coffee roaster for a single decaf coffee that is sweet with a silky body and complex acidity. A good option for filter with those that buy coffee online and in our retail store. If you consume ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$8.50Meebz Coffee Colombian CoffeeSweet, aromatic and flavoursome Meebz Colombia organic is a smooth and sweet single origin from South America. Crafted by the coffee roaster for a coffee that is sweet with a silky body and complex acidity. A good option for filter or a lighter espresso option Flavour Notes: A smooth coffee with com...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$53Phoebe Rose Coffee 11 Days Of Coffee - Limited EditionThis December, embark on a guided journey through the world of coffee with our exclusive 11 Days of Coffee collection. Each set includes 11 unique 100g bags, showcasing our finest blends and single-origin coffee beansa true celebration of everything Phoebe Rose Coffee Roasters has to offer. Well lea...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$13.50Hawthorne Coffee Espresso BlendA rich sweet blend, especially for the espresso machine. This blend of Indonesian, Papua New Guinea and Central American Specialty Coffees exhibits a rich sweet front palate with lovely body through the middle and a cocoa, nutmeg and spice finish. Stunning Roast Depth Medium New Zealand Coffee Award...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$13.50Hawthorne Coffee Te Mata Triple BlendA delightful mellow and smooth Colombian and Sumatra based blend for those who enjoy a good coffee without the mouth-coating feel. Ideal for plunger, filter or espresso anytime of day. Roast Depth Light-Medium New Zealand Coffee Awards Bronze Medal Best Plunger Coffee 2007 Silver Medal Best Filter C...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$13.50Hawthorne Coffee Hawthorne BlendA rich medium-dark roasted blend for the coffee lover, with a tangy bite to finish. In a plunger or filter this coffee exhibits a rich smooth character. As an espresso, the blend shows a wonderful full body with dark chocolate complexity. Roast Depth Medium-Dark New Zealand Coffee Awards Bronze Meda...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$24Fringe Studio Cooler on the Internet MugIt's no secret, our lives appear way cooler on the internet than they actually are Be brave enough to admit it with this super cool blush pink mug for your choice of thirst quencher. - Size 8 x 11cm - 325ml capacity - Metallic gold foil detail - Not Microwave or dishwasher safeBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$13.50Hawthorne Coffee Kidnappers Breakfast BlendA wake-up call for the tastebuds. This blend of Kenyan and Central American Specialty Coffees has a lovely sweet creamy feel and a smooth, clean finish with citrus and berry overtones. Ideal for plunger and filters, especially in the morning. Delicious. Roast Depth Light-Medium New Zealand Coffee Aw...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$19.99Clipper House Blend Organic Coffee 100gSuper Special Organic Coffee - Instant Coffee Medium Roast Freeze Dried Organic Instant coffee. A toasty and intense blend with a clean finish and a rich aroma.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$64Strong QuatroFOUR Bags of STRONG. Our existing JOLTED Strong blend is a solid 10/10 made to appeal to coffee lovers who like a short sharp boost. Yum Ground beans only Also Available on Monthly Subscription Jolted Coffee, New Zealand's first specifically designed pod coffee blend, is designed for use in your reu...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$8.50Meebz Coffee Monsoon MalabarThe Monsoon Malabar is a unique, low acid single origin from India. Crafted by the coffee roaster for a coffee that is truly unique with big bold flavours. Our coffee roaster is proud to showcase this single origin due to its creative process where the harvested coffee seeds are exposed to the monso...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$64Original & Strong QuatroTWO Bags ORIGINAL And TWO Bags of STRONG. Save more on a Monthly subscription. Jolted Coffee, New Zealand's first specifically designed pod coffee blend, is designed for use in your reusable coffee pod/plunger. We have a dedicated coffee brew for our motocross fans. After much sampling we are happy ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$8.50Meebz Coffee Colombian DecafOur single origin Colombian decaf The single origin Colombian Decaf will change the way you think about decaffeinated coffee. Crafted by the coffee roaster for a single decaf coffee that is sweet with a silky body and complex acidity. A good option for filter with those that buy coffee online and in...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0