Discover more like Brosnahans Cherry Wood Chunks - 7.5L
$22.99Brosnahans Cherry Wood Chunks - 7.5LApproximately 3.1kg of medium-sized wood chunks - perfect for use in kettles, ceramic grills and a host of other applications. "Better tasting, longer-lasting, higher quality food from the same WOOD Smoking CHips we've been supplying Kiwis for over 40 years" Fast Affordable shipping NationwideBuy from Store Showing More like this 0 0
$22.99Brosnahans Maple Wood Chunks - 7.5LApproximately 3.1kg of medium-sized wood chunks - perfect for use in kettles, ceramic grills and a host of other applications. "Better tasting, longer-lasting, higher quality food from the same WOOD Smoking CHips we've been supplying Kiwis for over 40 years" Fast Affordable shipping NationwideBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$22.99Brosnahans Beech Wood Chunks - 7.5LApproximately 3.1kg of medium-sized wood chunks - perfect for use in kettles, ceramic grills and a host of other applications. "Better tasting, longer-lasting, higher quality food from the same WOOD Smoking CHips we've been supplying Kiwis for over 40 years" Fast Affordable shipping NationwideBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$22.99Brosnahans Oak Wood Chunks - 7.5LApproximately 3.1kg of medium-sized wood chunks - perfect for use in kettles, ceramic grills and a host of other applications. "Better tasting, longer-lasting, higher quality food from the same WOOD Smoking CHips we've been supplying Kiwis for over 40 years" Fast Affordable shipping NationwideBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$22.99Brosnahans Manuka Wood Chunks - 7.5LApproximately 3.1kg of medium-sized wood chunks - perfect for use in kettles, ceramic grills and a host of other applications. "Better tasting, longer-lasting, higher quality food from the same WOOD Smoking CHips we've been supplying Kiwis for over 40 years" Fast Affordable shipping NationwideBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$22.99Brosnahans Peach Wood Chunks - 7.5LApproximately 3.1kg of medium-sized wood chunks - perfect for use in kettles, ceramic grills and a host of other applications. "Better tasting, longer-lasting, higher quality food from the same WOOD Smoking CHips we've been supplying Kiwis for over 40 years" Fast Affordable shipping NationwideBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$22.99Brosnahans Pohutukawa Wood Chunks - 7.5LApproximately 3.1kg of medium-sized wood chunks - perfect for use in kettles, ceramic grills and a host of other applications. "Better tasting, longer-lasting, higher quality food from the same WOOD Smoking CHips we've been supplying Kiwis for over 40 years" Fast Affordable shipping NationwideBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$22.99Brosnahans Tawa Wood Chunks - 7.5LApproximately 3.1kg of medium-sized wood chunks - perfect for use in kettles, ceramic grills and a host of other applications. "Better tasting, longer-lasting, higher quality food from the same WOOD Smoking CHips we've been supplying Kiwis for over 40 years" Fast Affordable shipping NationwideBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$22.99Brosnahans Apple Wood Chunks - 7.5LApproximately 3.1kg of medium-sized wood chunks - perfect for use in kettles, ceramic grills and a host of other applications. "Better tasting, longer-lasting, higher quality food from the same WOOD Smoking CHips we've been supplying Kiwis for over 40 years" Fast Affordable shipping NationwideBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$22.99Brosnahans Win Oak Barrel Chunks - 7.5LApproximately 3.1kg of medium-sized wood chunks - perfect for use in kettles, ceramic grills and a host of other applications. "Better tasting, longer-lasting, higher quality food from the same WOOD Smoking CHips we've been supplying Kiwis for over 40 years" Fast Affordable shipping NationwideBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$20BROSNAHANS Pear Chunks 6.9LPear wood chunks. Pear wood infuses a sweet, fruity flavor thats similar to other fruit wood. Pear wood is great when grilling pork and poultry. 6.9 Litre Box.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$50BROSNAHANS Apple Chunks - XL Bag, 17.5LApple Wood Chunks. Remarkable, sweet flavor and superb smoking choice perfect with pork. 17.5L BagBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$20BROSNAHANS Apple Chunks 6.9LApple Wood Chunks. Remarkable, sweet flavor and superb smoking choice perfect with pork 6.9 Litre Box.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$20BROSNAHANS Manuka Chunks 6.9LManuka wood chunks. Manuka is the Kiwi classic choice of smoking woods, which pratically goes with any meat or seafood. 6.9 Litre Box.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$20BROSNAHANS Tawa Chunks 6.9LTawa wood chunks. Tawa gives a gorgeous golden finish to fish, particularly salmon. 6.9 Litre Box.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$20BROSNAHANS White Oak Chunks 6.9LWhite Oak wood chunks. Has a medium smoky flavor that is stronger than apple, but lighter than hickory and manuka. 6.9 Litre Box.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$20BROSNAHANS Pohutukawa Chunks 6.9LPohutukawa wood chunks. Pohutukawa goes well with all white meats. 6.9 Litre Box.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$50BROSNAHANS Pohutukawa Chunks - XL Bag, 17.5LPohutukawa wood chunks. Pohutukawa goes well with all white meats. 17.5L BagBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$22.99Brosnahans Plum Wood ChunksApproximately 3.1kg of medium-sized wood chunks - perfect for use in kettles, ceramic grills and a host of other applications. "Better tasting, longer-lasting, higher quality food from the same WOOD Smoking CHips we've been supplying Kiwis for over 40 years" Fast Affordable shipping NationwideBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$35.99Collection Pack (Chunks) 5pk - Apple, Manuka, Oak, Pohutukawa, RewarewaBrosnahans Wood Chunks (5 pack) Apple, Manuka, Oak, Pohutukawa Rewarewa 4-5 chunk pieces /flavour Chunks are small pieces of wood that are ideal for larger smokers, pit or charcoal barbeques where a longer, slower smoke is desirable. FLAVOUR DESCRIPTION Apple - Mild, sweet and fruity flavour - great...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Business > Woodchip 0 0
$37.99Brosnahans Brosy BBQ Wood Pellets - Hickory Manuka BlendBrosy's Artisan Crafted 100% Pure Hardwood Pellets are perfect for your Pellet Grills and Smokers. They are made from the best hardwoods New Zealand has to offer as well as the popular Hickory from the USA. 100% hardwood nothing else. Brosnahans Brosy has created some exclusive New Zealand blends to complement the unique Hickory-Manuka flavour.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$39.49Brosnahans Brosy BBQ Wood Pellets - 100% ManukaBrosy's Artisan Crafted 100% Pure Hardwood Pellets are perfect for your Pellet Grills and Smokers. They are made from the best hardwoods New Zealand has to offer as well as the popular Hickory from the USA. 100% hardwood nothing else. Brosnahans Brosy has created some exclusive New Zealand blends to...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$39.49Brosnahans Brosy BBQ Wood Pellets - Apple Manuka BlendBrosy's Artisan Crafted 100% Pure Hardwood Pellets are perfect for your Pellet Grills and Smokers. They are made from the best hardwoods New Zealand has to offer as well as the popular Hickory from the USA. 100% hardwood nothing else. Brosnahans Brosy has created some exclusive New Zealand blends to...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0