Discover more like Herold Solingen Strop Paste Block (Red 401)
$9.99Herold Solingen Strop Paste Block (Red 401)Red Solid Strop Paste, it provides a medium sharpening level effect perfect for pre-sharpening. Red strop is recommended for razors that do not need an extreme sharpening. - Please do not mix pastes on the same strop. Just use one kind of paste per strop. Made in Solingen, Germany. Other Paste descr...Buy from Store Showing More like this 0 0
$9.99Herold Solingen Strop Paste Block (Black 402)Black Solid Strop Paste, it provides a low grinding effect for ne-sharpening and polishing. This fine polishing paste is ideal to finish the edge. - Please do not mix pastes on the same strop. Just use one kind of paste per strop. Made in Solingen, Germany. Other Paste descriptions: Color Red: Mediu...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$9.99Herold Solingen Strop Paste Block (Green 403)Green Solid Strop Paste, it provides a high abrasive intensity. This great severity sharpening level is recommended for razors that need a strong sharpening. - Please do not mix pastes on the same strop. Just use one kind of paste per strop. Made in Solingen, Germany. Other Paste descriptions: Color...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$14.99Herold Solingen Strop Paste Block (Red & Black)Red : It provides a medium sharpening level effect perfect for pre-sharpening. Red strop is recommended for razors that do not need an extreme sharpening. Black : Low grinding effect for ne-sharpening and polishing. This fine polishing paste is ideal to finish the edge. - Please do not mix pastes on...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$14.99Herold Solingen Strop Paste Block (Green & Black)2x Packs of Solid Strop Paste. Green : It provides a high abrasive intensity. This great severity sharpening level is recommended for razors that need a strong sharpening. Black : Low grinding effect for ne-sharpening and polishing. This fine polishing paste is ideal to finish the edge. - Please do ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$14.99Herold Solingen Strop Paste Block (Green & Red)2x Packs of Solid Strop Paste. Green : It provides a high abrasive intensity. This great severity sharpening level is recommended for razors that need a strong sharpening. Red : Medium sharpening level effect perfect for pre-sharpening. Red strop is recommended for razors that do not need an extreme...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$14.99Herold Solingen Strop Paste in Tube (Yellow 601)Every now and then your leather strop needs some care with this Yellow Strop Paste in a Tube. Keep your strop in top condition by massaging the Herold Solingen Special Paste into your leather strop back and forth with your thumb. This is important to maintain the quality of the leather. The sharpeni...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$14.99Herold Solingen Strop Paste in Tube (Green 603)This is a coarse abrasive strop paste. Green Strop Paste in Tube should be used only when the edge of the razor begins to dull. Stropping with an abrasive paste can extend the period of time between honing. For use with either a hanging leather strop (not your daily everyday use strop), handheld lea...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$14.99Herold Solingen Strop Paste in Tube (Red 602)Sharpening your straight razor with this Red Strop Paste in a Tube. The fine/medium grain paste will assist in restoring the edge on a mildly dull straight razor. When used correctly, it can reduce the number of times that a razor needs to be honed. To be used with either a hanging leather strop (no...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$14.99Herold Solingen Strop Paste in Tube (White 604)White Strop Paste in Tube. Use this very fine strop paste on the canvas or linen side of the strop and never on the leather side. Extremely fine consistency containing chalk. - very fine strop paste - used as an edge polish - apply to the textile side of the settler Made in Germany Other Paste descr...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$139.99Herold Solingen HD180Ri Prima Rindleder Leather Strop (XL 480mm x 80mm)XL Leather Strop (480mm x 80mm) crafted with the finest cowhide, Herold Solingen's 180 Prima Rindleder Leather Strop is the perfect accessory to keep your straight razor as sharp as new. This fine strop offers more width to your razor, lending you ample surface area to sharpen more of your blade at ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$0.70Su Sabor Guava Paste Combined block 36.11gDelicious guava paste individually wrapped. Guava Paste is commonly accompanied by cheese or simply eaten on its own. You can ask for it in Latin America but they may not know it by one name, so you will have to try calling it either Bocadillo, Membrillo, Dulce de Guayaba or Conserva.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Food > General store operation 0 0
$40Leather StropThe essential accompaniment to a cut throat razor, a strop designed to keep your straight razor in peak condition. Whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or a novice, our strop ensures a smooth, precise shave every time and maintains your razors edge.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Health & Beauty > Cosmetic 0 0
$89.99Uturunku (Jaguar) Ceremonial Cacao Paste BlockOur UTURUNKU is a rare Ceremonial Cacao paste crafted from indigenous ancestral Cacao in Peru. Uturunku honours the Chavn de Huntar ceremonial temple that represents the jaguar and the world of the Kay Pacha - the here and now. It is a calming and embodied cacao that takes us inwards to connect deep...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Food > Health food wholesaling 0 0
$21.99Dovo Leather Balm for Razor Strops 50mlMake your leather strop last for longer. Dovo Leather Balm for Razor Strops is the ideal treatment for your razor strop. This non abrasive balm will help keep your strop leather smooth and prevent it from drying up and cracking - it replaces lost oils, and keep the leather supple so that your strop ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$98.99Seleno Health Organic Ceremonial Cacao Paste Block | Amaru | 1kgThe Amaru (Quecha language - snake) in Andean cosmovision represents the Ukhu Pacha - the world below and the connection to our ancestors. This special ceremonial paste is hand-crafted from criollo cacao in Tocache, Peru, in honour of the Awajun tribe who hold the spiral cacao temple of Monte Grande...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Food > General store operation 0 0
$38.10Winsor & Newton Modelling PasteThis modelling paste is lightweight and flexible so it doesn't shrink or crack. It thickens the consistency of the colour, building body and structure and accentuating texture, brush marks and palette knife marks. It also increases the opacity of the colour. It is ideal for carving, sanding and crea...Visit Store ⦾ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Artist supply 0 0
$1Block Printed Cotton (KH009)Sold as individual single blocks size approx. 11.5 x 12.5cm 100% Cotton. Block printed on Enti cloth using paste resist. Coloured using natural dyes.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$1Block Printed Cotton (KH007)Sold as individual single blocks size approx. 11 x 12cm 100% Cotton Block printed on Enti cloth using paste resist. Coloured using natural dyes.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$1Block Printed Cotton (KH002)Sold as individual single blocks size approx. 11cm 100% Cotton. Block printed on Enti cloth using paste resist. Coloured using natural dyes.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$1Block Printed Cotton (KH012-1CB)Sold as individual single blocks size approx. 14 x 15cm 100% Cotton Block printed on Enti cloth using paste resist. Coloured using natural dyes.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$1Block Printed Cotton (KH013-1EB)Sold as individual single blocks size approx. 14 x 15cm 100% Cotton. Block printed on Enti cloth using paste resist. Coloured using natural dyes.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$1Block Printed Cotton (KH014-0HL)Sold as individual single blocks size approx. 11 x 12cm 100% Cotton. Block printed on Enti cloth using paste resist. Coloured using natural dyes.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$1Block Printed Cotton (KH015-1AB)Sold as individual single blocks size approx. 18 x 11.5cm 100% Cotton. Block printed on Enti cloth using paste resist. Coloured using natural dyes. In stockBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0