Discover more like Ceriated Tungsten 2.4mm Duroweld
$7.50Ceriated Tungsten 2.4mm DuroweldGrey Tip Ceriated Tungsten 2.4mm Electrodes contain 2 wt-% of Cerium Oxide in place of Thorium. They are non-radio-active and easier to start than pure Tungsten. They can be used on AC or DC in either polarity and have a reduced rate of burn-off. Ideal for welding all Materials, Stainless Steel, Steel, Aluminium, Magnesium.Buy from Store 0 0
$4.95Ceriated Tungsten 1.6mm DuroweldGrey Tip Ceriated Tungsten 1.6mm Electrodes contain 2 wt-% of Cerium Oxide in place of Thorium. They are non-radio-active and easier to start than pure Tungsten. They can be used on AC or DC in either polarity and have a reduced rate of burn-off. Ideal for welding all Materials, Stainless Steel, Steel, Aluminium, Magnesium.Buy from Store 0 0
$9.50Ceriated Tungsten 3.2mm DuroweldGrey Tip Ceriated Tungsten 3.2mm Electrodes contain 2 wt-% of Cerium Oxide in place of Thorium. They are non-radio-active and easier to start than pure Tungsten. They can be used on AC or DC in either polarity and have a reduced rate of burn-off. Ideal for welding all Materials, Stainless Steel, Steel, Aluminium, Magnesium.Buy from Store 0 0
$6.95GOLD Tip Lanthanated Tungsten 2.4mm DuroweldGold Tip Lanthanated Tungsten 2.4mm 1.5% Lanthanum Tungsten electrodes are universal TIG electrodes that can be used in direct and alternating current. They are particularly recommended for welding pure materials or aluminum, titanium, nickel, copper and magnesium alloys. The higher rate of lanthanu...Buy from Store 0 0
$6.95Blue Tip Lanthanated Tungsten 2.4mm DuroweldBlue Tip Lanthanated Tungsten 2.4mm 2% Lanthanum Tungsten electrodes are universal TIG electrodes that can be used in direct and alternating current. They are particularly recommended for welding pure materials or aluminum, titanium, nickel, copper and magnesium alloys. The higher rate of lanthanum ...Buy from Store 0 0
$6.95E3 Purple Tungsten 2.4mm DuroweldE3 Purple Tungsten 2.4mm E3 Tungsten electrodes offer great flexibility of use. They are particularly recommended for welding steel, stainless steel, copper and brass in low or medium intensities. They also allow welding of aluminum in alternating current. Non-radioactive, they have characteristics ...Buy from Store 0 0
$129.95Bossweld 5356 2.4mm 5Kg Aluminium Alloy TIG Welding Rods 2.4mm 5KgBossweld 5356 Aluminium Alloy TIG Welding Rods 2.4mm 5Kg 5356 would be considered the most widely used aluminium TIG rod Consistent quality Applications include bull bars, roll bars, boat building and the welding of many aluminium alloys AWS A5.10 ER 5356 Bossweld 5356 aluminium TIG rod is a 5% magn...Buy from Store Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$73.91Steel Welding PracticeImprove your welding skills with our 1-hour sessions. Each session is 1 hour of hands-on welding experience with our state-of-the-art machines and materials. Our practice sessions are available in three options: MIG, Stick, and TIG welding. MIG welding, also known as Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW), is...Buy from Store Services > Regulating qualification standards 0 0
$7.95Tungsten 2% Thoriated 2.4mm DuroweldRed Tip Thoriated Tungsten 2.4mm The most common electrode used today. The electrodes contain a nominal 2 wt-% of Thorium Oxide (ThO2) throughout the entire length of the rod. Provides a stable ARC and is easy to start. Used generally on DC negative or straight polarity. Ideal for welding Steel, Stainless, Copper.Buy from Store 0 0
$85.21Aluminium Welding PracticeExpand your welding abilities with our 1-hour sessions. Each session is 1 hour of hands-on welding experience with our state-of-the-art machines and materials, specifically designed for welding aluminum. Our practice sessions are available in three options: MIG, Stick, and TIG welding. MIG welding, ...Buy from Store Services > Regulating qualification standards 0 0
$63.95Bossweld 5356 2.4mm Handy Pack Aluminium Alloy TIG Welding RodsBossweld 5356 Aluminium Alloy TIG Welding Rods 2.4mm Handy Pack (0.4kg) A5.10 ER5356 5% Mn Tig wire Consistent qualityBuy from Store Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$9.50E3 Purple Tungsten 3.2mm DuroweldE3 Purple Tungsten 3.2mm E3 Tungsten electrodes offer great flexibility of use. They are particularly recommended for welding steel, stainless steel, copper and brass in low or medium intensities. They also allow welding of aluminum in alternating current. Non-radioactive, they have characteristics ...Buy from Store 0 0
$85.21Stainless Steel Welding PracticeMaster the art of welding with our 1-hour sessions. Each session is 1 hour of hands-on welding experience with our state-of-the-art machines and materials, specifically designed for welding stainless steel. Our practice sessions are available in three options: MIG, Stick, and TIG welding. MIG weldin...Buy from Store Services > Regulating qualification standards 0 0
$59SILICON BRONZE TIG ROD DuroweldSilicon Bronze filler metal are copper-base alloys containing approximately 3% silicon. They are used for the gas tungsten arc welding of copper-silicon and copperzinc alloys (brass) and for welding steel to itself or to these alloys. Price sold per kg.Buy from Store 0 0
$8.95GOLD Tip Lanthanated Tungsten 3.2mm DuroweldGold Tip Lanthanated Tungsten 3.2mm 1.5% Lanthanum Tungsten electrodes are universal TIG electrodes that can be used in direct and alternating current. They are particularly recommended for welding pure materials or aluminum, titanium, nickel, copper and magnesium alloys. The higher rate of lanthanu...Buy from Store 0 0
$54.50Talarc B3 Tig 2.4mm-SOLD PER KG DuroweldSOLD PER KG PRODUCT COMES IN 5KG PACK - PRICE FOR PACK IS $272.50 AWS A 5.28: ER90S-B3 B3 Tig Wire ia a Low alloy copper-coated tig rod with 2.25% Cr and 1% Mo content to be used for the welding of creep resistant steel. Chemical composition of rod conforming to AWS specification. It is used in chem...Buy from Store 0 0
$25.95Bossweld Tig Rod Aluminium - 2.4mm X 500mm 20pkBOSSWELD TIG ROD ALUMINIUM 5356 - 2.4MM X 500MM 20PK 5% magnesium alloy TIG rod suitable for fusion welding of 5 7 series alloys. Typical applications include marine, tubing, thin sheet, tanks, checker plate& general aluminium fabrication. AWS Specification / Industry Specification - A5.10 ER5356 Fe...Buy from Store Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$18.50TIG MASTER® PRO, Premium TIG Glove Size 11/2XL DuroweldTIG MASTER PRO Premium Tig Glove size 11Buy from Store 0 0
$30.95Bossweld Tig Rod Mild Steel - 2.4mm X 500mm 20pkBOSSWELD TIG ROD MILD STEEL S6 ER70S - 2.4MM X 500MM 20PK Copper coated carbon steel rod for use in the TIG welding process. Typical tensile strength 490MPa. Ideal for root pass welding of pipes. Suitable for tanks, boilers, steel structural works, earthworks construction works. AWS Specification / ...Buy from Store Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$18.50TIG MASTER® PRO, Premium TIG Glove Size 10/XL DuroweldTIG MASTER PRO Premium Tig Glove size 10Buy from Store 0 0
$18.50TIG MASTER® PRO, Premium TIG Glove Size 9 DuroweldTIG MASTER PRO Premium Tig Glove size 9Buy from Store 0 0
$4.75Blue Tip Lanthanated Tungsten 1.6mm DuroweldBlue Tip Lanthanated Tungsten 1.6mm 2% Lanthanum Tungsten electrodes are universal TIG electrodes that can be used in direct and alternating current. They are particularly recommended for welding pure materials or aluminum, titanium, nickel, copper and magnesium alloys. The higher rate of lanthanum ...Buy from Store 0 0
$8.95Blue Tip Lanthanated Tungsten 3.2mm DuroweldBlue Tip Lanthanated Tungsten 3.2mm 2% Lanthanum Tungsten electrodes are universal TIG electrodes that can be used in direct and alternating current. They are particularly recommended for welding pure materials or aluminum, titanium, nickel, copper and magnesium alloys. The higher rate of lanthanum ...Buy from Store 0 0
$4.75GOLD Tip Lanthanated Tungsten 1.6mm DuroweldGold Tip Lanthanated Tungsten 1.6mm 1.5% Lanthanum Tungsten electrodes are universal TIG electrodes that can be used in direct and alternating current. They are particularly recommended for welding pure materials or aluminum, titanium, nickel, copper and magnesium alloys. The higher rate of lanthanu...Buy from Store 0 0