Discover more like McGregor's Pohutakawa New Zealand Native Seed
$5.89McGregor's Pohutakawa New Zealand Native Seed- McGregor's Pohutakawa New Zealand Native Seed - New Zealand's Christmas Tree - Pohutakawa is a coastal tree by nature, untroubled by the wildest gale, it makes a robust hedge, shelter belt for a coastal garden or novel rooftop patio plant - Also a suitable Bonsai - Fast-growing responding well to ...Buy from Store Showing More like this 0 0
$5.89McGregor's Manuka New Zealand Native Seed- McGregor's Manuka New Zealand Native Seed - The Maori name is Kahikatoa but is commonly called Tea Tree because early colonists used its aromatic foliage as an alternative to tea - The most widespread of all New Zealand shrubs one of the most beautiful flowering - Around Christmas Manuka puts on a...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$5.89McGregor's Ponga Silver Fern New Zealand Native Seed- McGregor's Ponga Silver Fern New Zealand Native Seed - The most recognised national emblem worn by many of our sporting heroes - Early Maori used the silver backed fronds to find their way down a dark track - Slow to grow as it is commonly used as a pot plant indoors - It can also be grown outdoor...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$3.76McGregor's Herb Rosemary Seed- McGregor's Herb Rosemary Seed - The ancient and wonderful herb Rosemary is a beautiful ornamental plant - Great for garden scent - Staple for the keen cook's herb garden - Pack contains approx. 50 seeds Shipping OptionsBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$5.89McGregor's Kaka Beak New Zealand Native SeedThe bright red flowers are held in groups from arching stems, well clear of the delicate fern-like foliage. Each flower holds copious nectar at the base of the flower attracting Tuis other nectar loving birds. Flowering from early spring for several months, the Kaka Beak makes a beautiful garden shr...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$3.76McGregor's Herb Lavender True Seed- McGregor's Herb Lavender True Seed - Loved for its soothing fragrance - The most fragrant variety, it has been used in perfumes, soaps and potpourri for centuries - Lavender makes a great border plant or even a low hedge - Pack contains approx. 250 seeds Shipping OptionsBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$3.76McGregor's Herb Coriander Seed- McGregor's Coriander Herb Seed - Also known as Cilantro or Chinese Parsley - Use spicy leaves for salads, pickles, salsas, curries and other full-flavoured dishes - Now one of NZ's most popular herbs - Very easy to grow - Pack contains approx. 150 seeds Shipping OptionsBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$3.76McGregor's Herb Sage Seed- McGregor's Herb Sage Seed - Sage is a traditional flavour in seasonings and stuffings - A wonderful complement to pork and an essential seasoning in the traditional turkey stuffing - Pack contains approx. 50 seeds Shipping OptionsBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$4.50NZ Native Seeds, McGregor's, PohutukawaNZ Native Seeds, McGregor's, Pohutukawa A coastal tree by nature untroubled by the wildest gale, it makes a robust hedge shelter belt for a coastal garden or novel roof top patio plant. Also a suitable Bonsai. - How To Sow: Best sown into a tray of quality seed raising mix. Cover with a fine mix to ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Plastic container, household 0 0
$4.50NZ Native Seeds, McGregor's, ManukaNZ Native Seeds, McGregor's, Manuka The Maori name is Kahikatoa but is commonly called "Tea Tree" because early colonists used its aromatic foliage as an alternative to tea. A small tree not too overwhelming in a small garden. A group of them can quickly form the backbone of s small woodland. - How ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Plastic container, household 0 0
$4.50NZ Native Seeds, McGregor's, Ponga Silver FernNZ Native Seeds, McGregor's, Ponga Silver Fern. The most recognised national emblem worn by many of our sporting heroes. Early Maori used the silver backed fronds to find their way donw a dark track. Slow to grow as it is commonly used as a pot plant indoors. - How To Sow: Best sown into a tray of q...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Plastic container, household 0 0
$3.76McGregor's Herb Sweet Basil Seed- McGregor's Herb Sweet Basil Seed - Very aromatic, bushy annual herb with branching stems and light green, oval leaves - It is great for pesto and a perfect complement for fish dishes - Cut leaves anytime for fresh use - For drying, pick leaves as flowers - Pack contains approx. 150 seeds How to So...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$3.76McGregor's Herb Parsley Triple Curled Seed- McGregor's Herb Parsley Triple Curled Seed - Parsley is an essential kitchen ingredient - Extremely useful herb in soups and savouries - Can also be dried - Pack contains approx. 500 seeds How To Sow: Choose a well drained site in full sun. Sow these seeds in trays for subsequent transplanting or,...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$3.76McGregor's Microgreen Mix Vegetable Seed- McGregor's Microgreen Mix Vegetable Seed - Trendy, colourful, healthy and tasty - Pack contains approx. 2,000 seeds While chefs and gourmet cooks have enjoyed the use of Microgreens for many years it is still a relatively new home gardening trend. Very easy to grow and so convenient when you are l...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$3.76McGregor's Herb Thyme Seed- McGregor's Herb Thyme Seed - A great shrubby ground cover and indispensable culinary herb - Perfect for roasts and casseroles, with a rich, full flavour that doesn't fade during cooking - Pack contains approx. 125 seeds How to Sow: Choose a well-drained site in full sun. Sow these seeds in trays f...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$25.60NZ Native Oils Cucumber Kiwifruit Seed Eye Oil Full Circle EcoCucumber and Kiwifruit seed eye serum is a natural solution to brighten tired eyes. Contains Kiwifruit Seed Oil, Cucumber Seed Oil, Tomato Seed Oil, Jojoba Oil, Vitamin E and Chamomile Essential Oil.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Homewares 0 0
$3.76McGregor's Cucumber Telegraph F1 Hybrid Vegetable Seed- McGregor's Cucumber Telegraph F1 Hybrid Vegetable Seed - Long 30-40 cm fruit that does not need peeling - A very popular variety suited for growing up a fence or trellis - Deep green fruit - Harvest regularly to prolong fruit production - Also ideal for growing in a greenhouse - Pack contains appr...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$3.76McGregor's Herb Rocket Seed- McGregor's Herb Rocket Seed - Turns salads and sandwiches into something special - Toss young leaves into a salad, use in dips or as a crip cress-like sandwich filling - Often called salad Rocket or Arugula - Pack contains approx. 500 seeds The use of Rocket as an addition to salads and sandwiches...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$3.76McGregor's Herb Parsley Italian Seed- Parsley is packed with flavour - Full of flavour and easy to dry - Plain, flatleaf leaf parsley is easy to wash and very easy to grow - Preferred by many over curled Parsley - Pack contains approx. 500 seeds Shipping OptionsBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$2.99Vegetable Seeds, McGregor's, Dwarf French Green BeansVegetable Seeds, McGregor's, Dwarf French Green Beans Fantastic crops of tender beans, virtually stingless - genius Fantastic crops of tender beans, virtually stringless. Dwarf French Bean pods are deep green and great for freezing. Pods are slightly flattened in shape. Terrific yields and easy to g...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Plastic container, household 0 0
$74Tractor Under Pohutakawa - by Rob McGregor Framed Print (18775)Rob McGregor has been painting full-time since 2001. His vibrant New Zealand images are strongly thematic, around our beaches, coastlines and the sea. Unlike some artists he is interested in depicting the sunny side of New Zealand life - New Zealanders at play. Rob McGregor prints are colourful and ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$4.71McGregor's Kale Red Russian Specialty Seeds- McGregor's Kale Red Russian Specialty Seeds - Surprisingly sweet flavour - Leaves make excellent garnishing - Attractive blue-green leaves with reddish veins - Also known as Ragged Jack - Best picked at approximately 30 cm - Pack contains approx. 250 seeds Shipping OptionsBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$16NZ Seed bomb - Edible Flowers Cre8tive-GemsEdible Flowers: Calendula, Cornflower, Viola The quickest gardening fun around You don't need to "plant" seed bombs, they are designed to break up in the rain and already contain all the nutrients and organic material needed to support germination and success of the plants. Just "throw and grow". th...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing > Jewellery 0 0
$4.71McGregor's Radish Daikon Specialty Seeds- McGregor's Radish Daikon Specialty Seeds - Daikon Japanese radish - A favourite vegetable for oriental dishes - A mild-flavored winter radish characterized by fast-growing leaves and a long, white, root - Pack contains approx. 100 seeds Shipping OptionsBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0